Let's Get You Started With Your Online Part-Time Career!

  • Work Anywhere, AnyTime,100% Online, and/or in Person.
  • Let our Online systems and Support Team do the work with you.
  • Our Family of Companies, including: ProcardInternational.com, LocalDiscounts.com, PartTimeCareer.com, and Webmentorship.com will all work together with you to build a successful Part-Time Career.
  • For over 25 years, we have helped over 500,000 Companies and Customers take advantage of our Services and Local Discounts...Including Restaurants, EveryDay Shops, Entertainment, Food Delivery, Travel, Professional Care Services such as TeleDoc, Aetna Dental, Vision, Prescription, Legal Services, Pet Care, and much more...
  • With Today's Online Technologies, our experienced Team can provide you with the necessary Quality and Professional Services, Support, and Online Marketing Tools for Success.
  • Throughout the years, we have fully trained thousands of Marketing Associates to earn extra money while working 100% Online thru our 'remote work' systems which require no previous experience.
  • We make it Easy as 1-2-3 to work Online.
  • We PROUDLY continue to maintain a GOOD standing with virtually ALL recognized regulatory and consumer organizations along with many of our Members benefiting from our discounts and services since our beginning.
  • (Use your own marketing materials and/or those available with Procard, llc.)
3 Easy Steps:
1. Review Career Info
2. Become an Associate
3. Start your Career
Hi. I'm Sue from Michigan
I like working with Procard because...
It allows me the freedom to set my own schedule. The best part of PCI is that there is no cold calling. You can do all of your business online.
Associate Spotlight

"Procard has been a lifesaver for our family. I am able to work from home and take care of our children at the same time. It is wonderful. I would happily recommend this Company to anyone looking for a great Career!"
Lindsey W.

Monthly Marketing Materials Include Features
FREE Leads (*)
25% Off LocalDiscounts.com (*)
ProcardInternational.com Career
LocalDiscounts.com Career
Webmentorship.com Career
PartTimeCareer.com Career
Personalized Business Website
Personalized Downloadable Marketing Materials
Online Training and Support with Newest Marketing Technologies
Team Leader Training (*)
Additional Features
(NO REQUIRED FEES) $0.00/month
Monthly Marketing Materials Include Features
Complimentary Leads*
25% Discounts on our Benefits**
Personalized Business Website
Personalized Downloadable Marketing Materials
Online & Personal Support
Online & Affiliate Marketing
And Additional Features
(Not Required) $24.95/month

Monthly MAP Renewal Plus
LocalDiscounts.com Marketing Associate 30% $3.00 $2.25 $6.00 $4.50
LocalDiscounts.com Team Leader
(Level 1)
15% $1.50 $1.15 $3.00 $2.25
LocalDiscounts.com Team Leader
(Level 2)
10% $1.00 $0.75 $2.00 $1.50

(*) 'Active' Associates, Only.(Optional)

(*) 'Active' Associates can get 25% Off Monthly Membership Fees for LocalDiscounts.com.(Optional)